

Outgoing Mobility: Types and Eligibility

The University of Belgrade offers its students and employees various opportunities for completing a period of their studies or professional mobility abroad, at one of the partner universities of the University of Belgrade. General eligibility criteria for each mobility type are described in the accordion menus below.

For detailed instructions on application procedures for each mobility type, eligibility and application criteria, and required documents, please visit the Application Procedure and Documents page

Eligible members of the UB academic community are all of our:

  • students (enrolled in all study cycles)
  • professors and assistant teachers
  • researchers
  • administrative staff

Before applying, each candidate must get familiar with the rules of the specific mobility type or program, the conditions of the call, as well as the general rules on the mobility of both universities (UB and the partner university), in accordance with the candidate’s status (students or teaching or non-teaching staff/ administrative staff.)

Furthermore, each scholarship holder must properly regulate their absence status during the mobility period and obtain the proper consent of the home faculty of the University of Belgrade, in accordance with the specific type of mobility

Each faculty and institute of the University of Belgrade has a responsible coordinator for the Erasmus+ program and for international cooperation. You can see the list of coordinators in the ECTS coordinators section.

Choose from the menu below for detailed information on the specific mobility you are interested in.


Opportunities for teaching staff

Professors of the University of Belgrade can apply for Staff Mobility for Teaching (STA), with a minimum of a 2 day stay and 8 hours of teaching activity.

Opportunities for  research staff

Scientific staff employed at institutes of the University of Belgrade can apply for Staff Mobility for Teaching (STA), with a minimum of a 2 day stay and 8 hours of teaching activity.

Scientific staff employed at institutes of the University of Belgrade can apply for STT - Staff Mobility for Training, with a minimum of a 2 days stay and 8 hours of training activity.

Opportunities for  administrative staff

Administrative staff of the University of Belgrade can apply for STT - Staff Mobility for Training, with a minimum of a 2 days stay and 8 hours of professional activity (training, job shadowing, etc.).


Staff members interested in taking part in a mobility program offered by the University of Belgrade must have a valid work contract with a faculty or an institute, a member of the University.


Minimum 2 days, maximum 60 days.


Please visit the Scholarship Overview page in the menu on the left.

Key information on outgoing student mobility

To complete part of your studying program abroad with Erasmus+, you must be registered at the University of Belgrade. During the mobility period, students remain enrolled at their home faculty of the University of Belgrade, where they will continue their studies after the mobility is completed. After successfully completing their studies, they will be granted the relevant diploma of the University of Belgrade.

ECTS points acquired at the partner university during mobility are recognized by the home faculty of the University of Belgrade after the mobility is successfully completed, in accordance with the Mobility Rule Book of the University of Belgrade and the rules of the specific mobility or exchange program. Furthermore, successfully completed mobility includes complete and orderly documents (for example, a properly completed and signed Learning Agreement before the start of the mobility, as well as a Transcript of Records issued by the partner university upon successful completion of mobility, and, in some cases confirmations of stays, boarding tickets, etc. For detailed information, please refer to the Application and Required Documents and Accepted Students sections.


Students of the University of Belgrade can choose between the following mobility types:



As a student of the University of Belgrade you can apply for long-term mobility or student mobility for studies. Your long-term study period abroad can last a minimum of 2 months (only for doctoral students) or 1 academic term or semester (all study cycles) and a maximum of 12 months. 

For students in the first cycle, you need to be at least in the second year of your studies. For students of the University of Belgrade, you can only apply for studies at your current study cycle (graduating BA students cannot apply for mobility at MA studies before they are actually enrolled in a MA study cycle). 

You can benefit from an exchange abroad with Erasmus+ multiple times, either as a student or as a trainee, but your total time abroad (study abroad periods included) may not exceed 12 months within one cycle of study. Students who are spending a mobility period abroad, will not be able to either follow courses or take exams at their home Faculty in the semester when they are on mobility.

Short-term PhD

Ph.D. students can apply for short-term mobility from 5 to 30 days. In order to better meet the diverse learning and training needs of doctoral students and to ensure equal opportunities, there is the possibility for doctoral students to complete a short-term study period in Europe.  Erasmus+ supports short-term mobilities of 5 to 30 days (depending on budgetary coverability).  

The grant is 70 euros per day for the first 14 days of stay and 50 euros per day for the remaining days of stay (up to a maximum of 30 days). Students with lower opportunities will receive an additional grant. A one-time subsidy of 50 euros is provided for the use of environmentally friendly means of transportation. Additionally, up to four extra travel days can be applied for.

Blended Intensive Program (BIP)

This mobility type consists of online learning activity, accompanied by 5 to 30 days of obligatory physical mobility. BIP mobility must result in at least 3 ECTS.  Students can also do blended mobility, combining a virtual period with physical short or long-term mobility. 

The short-term physical presence abroad as part of blended mobility lasts a minimum of 5 days and a maximum of 30 days. 

The grant is 70 euros per day for the first 14 days of stay and 50 euros per day for the remaining days of stay (up to a maximum of 30 days). Students with lower opportunities will receive an additional grant. A one-time subsidy of 50 euros is provided for the use of environmentally friendly means of transportation. Additionally, up to four extra travel days can be applied for. 

Students interested in this type of mobility must check whether their faculty offers this opportunity, in other words, whether the faculty already takes part in BIP mobility and with which partner institutions. Direct applications from students for BIP mobility will not be accepted. 


To study abroad with Erasmus+, you must be registered in a higher education institution and enrolled in studies leading to a recognized degree or tertiary-level qualification. 

For students in the first cycle, you need to be at least in the second year of your studies. For students of the University of Belgrade, you can only apply for studies at your current study cycle (graduating BA students cannot apply for mobility at MA studies before they are actually enrolled in an MA study cycle). However, subject to the host institution’s prior approval, you may choose courses at different study cycles (BA students may, for example, choose courses in MA studies) and have those courses recognized towards your degree.

The same student may participate in mobility periods totaling up to 12 months maximum per cycle of study, independently of the number and type of mobility activities. Participation with a zero-grant from EU funds also counts towards this maximum duration.

*For clarity, additional information and clarifications are provided in the Serbian language:

Možete da se prijavite na razmenu, odnosno priznavanje ostvarenih bodova, samo u okviru onog nivoa studija na koji ste upisani tokom trajanja poziva za podnošenje prijava za Erasmus+ mobilnost. Ukoliko npr. imate status studenta osnovnih studija možete da se prijavite isključivo za mobilnost koju biste realizovali tokom osnovnih studija. Za mobilnost u okviru master studija moćićete da se prijavite tek kad upišete master studije i steknete status UB studenta master studija. Medjutim, za studente koji učestvuju u programima međunarodne mobilnosti može se vršiti prenos ESPB bodova između različitih studijskih programa u okviru svih stepena i vrste studija. Drugim rečima, a u zavisnosti od pravila na univerzitetu domaćinu, student osnovnih studija, može izabrati kurseve na master studijama, ukoliko oni više odgovaraju kurikulumu na matičnoj instituciji.

Studenti osnovnih studija mogu da se prijave za Erasmus+ mobilnost tek kad upišu 2 godinu studija (dokazi koje je potrebno priložiti):

  1. Skenirana prva strana indeksa na kojoj se nalaze podaci u vezi sa nazivom studijskog programa koji ste upisali, kao i koje ste školske godine prvi put upisali prvu godinu studija;
  2. Potvrda o upisanoj godini – potvrda ste upisali tekuću školsku godinu u okviru studijskog programa na koji ste upisani.


The same student may participate in mobility periods totaling up to 12 months maximum per cycle of study, independently of the number and type of mobility activities. Participation with a zero-grant from EU funds also counts towards this maximum duration.

*For clarity, additional information and clarifications are provided in the Serbian language:

Tokom istog nivoa studija, studenti svih nivoa studija mogu da idu na mobilnost u trajanju od najviše 12 meseci fizičke mobilnosti. U period od 12 meseci računaju se sve mobilnosti na koje ste išli u okviru Erasmus+ programa, ili Erasmus Mundus programa u okviru istog nivoa studija.

Npr. ukoliko ste sada sada student master studija i prijavljujete se za mobilnost, neće Vam se uračunavati mobilnost koju ste realizovali tokom osnovnih studija u okviru Erasmus+, ili Erasmu Mundus programa. Međutim, ukoliko ste već bili na mobilnosti u okviru master studija u okviru Erasmus+, ili Erasmu Mundus programa, period trajanja već relizovane mobilnosti Vam se uračunava u maksimalan period trajanja Erasmus+ mobilnosti od 12 meseci.

Minimum trajanja fizičke mobilnosti za : 

  • studente osnovnih i master studija - jedan semester
  • studente doktorskih studija - 2 meseca 
  • kratkoročna mobilnost u trajanju od 5 do 30 dana

BIP program – između 5 i 30 dana fizičke mobilnosti + viruelna mobilnost i ostvarenih minimum 3 ESPB boda.

Na Erasmus+ mobilnost možete ići više puta, bilo kao student ili praktikant, pod uslovom da ukupno vreme boravka na mobilnosti ili praksi ne prelaze zbirno 12 meseci tokom istog nivoa studija, i da pritom pri svakom boravku zadovoljite propisani minimum trajanja mobilnosti za koju ste se prijavili.

Minimum ECTS requirement

*For clarity, the following information is provided in the Serbian language.


Ugovorom o dodeli namenskih bespovratnih sredstava za studiranje u okviru programa Erazmus+ koji zaključujete sa Univerzitetom u Beogradu, nije predviđen minimum ESPB bodova koji morate da ostvarite tokom mobilnosti. Ovo znači da niste u obavezi da položite ispite iz predmeta koji su u Ugovoru o učenju navedeni kao predmeti koje ćete pohađati na VŠI domaćinu, ali jeste u obavezi da: 

  1. prisustvujete nastavi u celosti, 
  2. ispunite sve predispitne obaveze i 
  3. da izađete na polaganje ispita iz svih predmeta koji su pobrojani u Vašem Ugovoru o učenju. 

Ukoliko niste položili ispit iz određenih predmeta koji su navedeni u Tabeli A ugovora o učenju, kao dokaz da ste preduzeli gorenavedene ugovorne obaveze, treba da Univerzitetu u Beogradu dostavite Potvrdu o prisustvu nastavi ("Certificate of Atendance"), potpisanu i pečatiranu od strane VŠI domaćina. 

Model Potvrde o prisustvu nastavi, možete pronaći ovde

U suprotnom, ukoliko za predmete koji su navedeni u Ugovoru o učenju, a koje niste položili na stranoj VŠI domaćinu, te nisu obuhvaćeni Prepisom ocena (Transcript of Records), ne dostavite Univerzitetu u Beogradu Potvrdu o prisustvu (Certificate of Attedance, potpisan i pečatiran od strane nadležne osobe na VŠI domaćinu), u kojoj se navodi da ste iz tih predmeta:

  1. prisustvovali nastavi u celosti, 
  2. ispunili sve predispitne obaveze i 
  3. da ste izašli na polaganje ispita

biti izvršen povraćaj celokupnog iznosa, ili dela finansijskih sredstava, koji Vam je dodeljen po osnovu Ugovora o dodeli namenskih bespovratnih sredstava za studiranje u okviru programa Erazmus+ koji zaključujete sa Univerzitetom u Beogradu.

Short-term PhD





ECTS points acquired at the partner university during mobility are recognized by the home faculty of the University of Belgrade after the mobility is successfully completed, in accordance with the Mobility Rule-Book of the University of Belgrade and the rules of the specific mobility or exchange program.

Furthermore, successfully completed mobility includes complete and orderly documents (for example, a properly completed and signed Learning Agreement before the start of the mobility, as well as a Transcript of Records issued by the partner university upon successful completion of mobility. 

*For clarity, the following information is provided in the Serbian language:

Studentima koji idu na mobilnost u svrhu studiranja, akademska postignuća na stranoj VŠI domaćinu, moraju biti priznata kao deo studijskog programa na koji su upisani na matičnom fakultetu UB u skladu sa Pravilnikom o mobilnosti studenata i prenošenju ESPB bodova („Glasnik Univerziteta u Beogradu“ br. 160/11, 196/16 i 205/18), Obratite pažnju na član 3. i član 12. Pravilnika.


Please visit the Scholarship Overview page in the menu on the left.


Erasmus+ supports traineeships (work placements, internships, etc) abroad for students currently enrolled in higher education institutions in formerly called Program countries at Bachelor and Master level as well as for doctoral candidates.

Your traineeship abroad can last a minimum of 2 months and a maximum of 12 months. You can benefit from an exchange abroad with Erasmus+ multiple times, either as a student or as a trainee, but your total time abroad (study abroad periods included) may not exceed 12 months within one cycle of study.


Eligible candidates are students, but also recent graduates of the University of Belgrade. Recent graduates must still be enrolled at UB at the time of application for the traineeship program. 


The same student may participate in mobility periods totaling up to 12 months maximum per each cycle of study, independently of the number and type of mobility activities. Participation with a zero-grant from EU funds counts as well towards this maximum duration. However, since the call for mobility is often published within a certain project cycle, for which specific funding rules may apply, please pay attention to the specific application criteria, including the duration of the training mobility, published at the time the call is opened. 

*For clarity, additional information and clarifications are provided in the Serbian language:

Studenti svih nivoa studija, tokom istog nivoa studija, mogu da idu na praksu u trajanju od najmanje 2 a najviše 12 meseci.

Studenti imaju mogućnost da realizuju praksu i godinu dana nakon završenih studija tokom kojih su se prijavili za Erasmus+ mobilnost u svrhu obavljenja prakse, a najkasnije do završetka trajanja projekta iz kojeg se finansira ta Erasmus+ mobilnost. U okviru svakog konkursa za prijavu za Erasmus+ mobilnost, kandidati će biti informisani o roku u kome moraju da realizuju svoju praksu. 

Studenti koji realizuju praksu u toku godine dana nakon završetka studija, a u međuvremenu su upisali sledeći nivo studija, vreme trajanja Erasmus+ prakse im se uračunava u maksimalni period od 12 meseci u okviru nivoa studija na koji su bili upisani u trenutku prijave za mobilnost.

Npr. ukolko su se tokom osnovnih studija prijavili za praksu (u trenutku prijave imali su statu UB studenta osnovnih studija), u međuvremenu su se upisali na master studije i praksu realizuju u trenutku kada imaju ststus UB studenta master studija, period trajanja prakse se uračunava u ukupnu Erasmus+ mobilnost tokom osnovnih studija. Ovo zanči da ukoliko se prijave za Erasmus+ mobilnost tokom master studija, period prakse im neće biti uračunat u maksimalno trajanje Erasmus+ mobilnosti od 12 meseci.


Please read the information below, carefully.

*For clarity, additional information and clarifications are provided in the Serbian language:

*Studentima osnovnih i master studija, praksa može biti priznata kao deo studijskog programa jedino ukoliko je praksa predviđena akreditacijom studijskog programa na koji su upisani na matičnom univerzitetu. U suprotnom, praksa će im biti priznata kao vannastavne aktivnosti u skladu sa Pravilnikom o vrednovanju vannastavnih aktivnosti studenata („Glasnik Univerziteta u Beogradu“ br. 172/13 i 180/14) 

Studentima doktorskih studija praksa može biti priznata samo kao vannastavne aktivnosti u skladu sa Pravilnikom o vrednovanju vannastavnih aktivnosti studenata („Glasnik Univerziteta u Beogradu“ br. 172/13 i 180/14)


Please visit the Scholarship Overview page in the menu on the left.