
International Joint Supervision of Doctoral Thesis - Cotutelle

What is meant by “international joint supervision of doctoral thesis”?

A doctoral studies student of the University of Belgrade may write his/her doctoral thesis under joint supervision, or cotutelle, of two thesis advisors from two different universities, under the condition that he/she is at the same time enrolled as a doctoral student at the partner university, as well.


What does the procedure entail?

The condition under which the joint supervision is realized is the signing of the International Agreement on Joint Supervision of Doctoral Thesis, also known under the internationally accepted term “Cotutelle Agreement”, signed between the University of Belgrade and the partner university. This Agreement is the basic legal act which defines the terms and conditions for acquiring the scientific title of the Doctor Philosophiae (PhD) individually for each candidate enrolled in the doctoral academic studies at the University of Belgrade and the partner university.


Which documents should be submitted to the University of Belgrade?

In order for the University of Belgrade to start the procedure of signing the Cotutelle Agreement, the student must first submit to the University of Belgrade all requested documentation for initiating the procedure of its signature.

The following documents should be submitted:

1) A hard copy (original) of the letter by the Dean of the Faculty of the University of Belgrade organizing the study program the candidate is attending. This letter should be written on the Faculty’s letterhead and should contain the following information: - the Dean’s proposal to the Rector of the University of Belgrade to sign the Cotutelle Agreement with the partner university; - a statement that all expenses that have occurred at the University of Belgrade but are not defined under the terms of the Agreement shall be covered by the Faculty;

2) Confirmation of enrollment at the doctoral studies program at the University of Belgrade. The confirmation should contain the following information: - the name of the study program, - a confirmation that the student is enrolled in the current academic year of the program, - the information about the student’s status for that academic year (student who is funded from the budget of the Republic of Serbia / self-funded student) - the year when the student was enrolled in doctoral studies for the first time - the number of ECTS acquired at the doctoral studies program prior to the issuing of this (unless he has enrolled at the first year of studies for the first time in that academic year);

3) The decision of the Academic Council of the Faculty about appointing the thesis advisor to the student; Please note: If the student does not have a thesis advisor appointed at the University of Belgrade, he/she should then submit a Statement of the proposed advisor in which he/she accepts to guide the Student through the course of the research work and the work on the doctoral thesis (“Thesis Advisor’s Statement);

4) The decision of the relevant body of the University which approves the doctoral thesis title. Please note: If the Student does not yet have the approval of the title of the doctoral thesis, it is necessary to submit a Statement of the thesis advisor which will also contain the working title of the thesis.

5) Confirmation of enrollment in doctoral studies at the partner university. The confirmation should contain the following information: - the name of the study program and its duration, - a confirmation that the students is enrolled in the current academic year of the program, - the year when the student enrolled in doctoral studies for the first time - the working title of the doctoral thesis;

6) Calendar – the schedule of the student’s attendance at partner universities, respectively, signed by both thesis advisors.

7) The name and contact details of the person responsible for communicating the working details of the Agreement on behalf of the partner institution in question (administrative contact);

8) The student’s contact details (address, contact phone number, email address).

The procedure for submitting the documents to the University of Belgrade by the student

The student may submit the required documents in two ways:
a) by post, to the following address:
University of Belgrade
Studentski trg 1
11000 Belgrade

b) in person, to the Mail and Documents Distribution Office (“Arhiva”) of the University of Belgrade, at the following address: University of Belgrade
Studentski trg 1
11000 Belgrade
Room number 1.

PLEASE NOTE: The student’s documentation will be processed only after the student has submitted a complete file with all required documents, in either of the two ways listed above. The documents submitted in the electronic form will not be considered complete and will not be processed accordingly (i.e., until hard copies of the above-listed documents have reached the relevant Office of the University).

For further information please contact Ms. Milena Sikanic at: